Forest gardening is the most ancient form of land use, dating back to Creation. We were created to dress and to keep a garden named Eden. The name Eden means “delight” or “pleasing” so we were created to cultivate that which is delightful and pleasing to our Creator, to ourselves, and to others through us.
Through this web site, I hope to stir up the capacity for that which is already within you through sharing my own unfolding story as I forest garden my family’s properties. What I include herein is based on my experience in central Florida but has wider relevance for others who also wish to forest garden for practical and spiritual benefits now and for posterity.
My garden gate of this web site is standing open for you. Stay as long as you like. Come back as often as you wish. Bring your friends and family. There is room for all to visit here, to learn, and to share.
Kimberly, Forest Gardener